The San Elijo Joint Powers Authority adopts an annual fiscal year budget to accomplish our mission of providing wastewater treatment, water reclamation, and waste disposal to our ratepayers while meeting state and federal water quality standards.
The budget also includes the San Elijo JPA Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for both new and ongoing projects for improvements to wastewater treatment, the ocean outfall system, pumping stations, and the water reclamation program.
- FY 2024-25 Budget
- FY 2023-24 Budget
- FY 2022-23 Budget
- FY 2021-22 Budget
- FY 2020-21 Budget
- FY 2019-20 Budget
- FY 2018-19 Budget
- FY 2017-18 Budget
- FY 2016-17 Budget
- FY 2015-16 Budget
- FY 2014-15 Budget
- FY 2013-14 Budget
- FY 2012-13 Budget
- FY 2011-12 Budget
- FY 2010-11 Budget
- FY 2009-10 Budget
- FY 2008-09 Budget
The San Elijo JPA financial accounts and records are independently audited each year in accordance with auditing standards required by the State Controllers Minimum Audit Requirements for California Special Districts and generally accepted in the United States of America. These audits present reasonable assurance to the Board of Directors and the San Elijo JPA ratepayers that the financial statements of the San Elijo JPA are free of material misstatement
- FY 2023-24 Financial Statement
- FY 2022-23 Financial Statement
- FY 2021-22 Financial Statement
- FY 2020-21 Financial Statement
- FY 2019-20 Financial Statement
- FY 2018-19 Financial Statement
- FY 2017-18 Financial Statement
- FY 2016-17 Financial Statement
- FY 2015-16 Financial Statement
- FY 2014-15 Financial Statement
- FY 2013-14 Financial Statement
- FY 2012-13 Financial Statement
- FY 2011-12 Financial Statement
- FY 2010-11 Financial Statement
- FY 2008-09 Financial Statement
- FY 2007-08 Financial Statement